Bait & Switch Climate Change Media Social Change

G20 Climate Camp – Splash Update

I’m getting reports of people with an outline plan to take a skinny dip in the fountains in Trafalgar Square.

Apparently, to raise the profile of Carbon Trading, they’re going to paint themselves with some kind of black paint, or black marker pen, and splash about shouting something like “Carbon Trading doesn’t wash !”

Burning Money Climate Change Meltdown

The Man on the Clapham Omnibus – He Say “Yargh”

LONDON 22:30 – The Man on the Clapham Omnibus reacted strongly to a chickpea curry he ate at lunchtime today. At hand to assist with his sufferings was a comfortably recognisable news sheet.

But all was not as it seemed. This publication was no ordinary newspaper, oh no. This was from a print run far, far away, way into the future, in fact. From 2020, in fact.

Big Picture Climate Change Meltdown

Read all about it ! End of the World edition !

Calling all dudes. Calling all honeys. Come and hand out London’s brightest and brashest free newspaper, and give the paid ones a seeing to in the process.

Dudes, remember the glory days of old, handing out trillions of arch and angry political leafletry stamped with cardinal colour logos and smeared with carbon black ?

Bring back those golden, sunny hours of innocent street flirting and lung-gurgling puffs of the harshest baccy, calling out around the world, are you ready for a brand new ideological heartbeat ?

Climate Change

Reclaim the Sheets – the Real Story so far

It was a tale of intrigue, passion and suspicion, that ended with a slap in the face for journalism today.

The architects of Reclaim the Sheets were young. They were frisky. And they were disgruntled.

Big Picture Climate Change Contraction & Convergence

Ice Age of Stupid

Ouch ! I can feel the pain from the stinging reviews, even from this safe distance !

The film “The Age of Stupid” has free-minded, liberal, tolerant film reviewers and social commentators reaching for their ice picks.

Apparently, the film is a “hecture”, a hectoring lecture, according to The Observer :-

And David Cox pulls out all his nauseating stops by damning it a “conceit” in The Guardian :-

Big Picture Climate Change

Climate Camp G20 : Yes, but is it Art ?

“The Russian Revolution was accompanied by a remarkable period of artistic experiment known as Constructivism, which questioned the fundamental properties of art and asked what its place should be in a new society. The Constructivists…looked at how they could contribute to everyday life through design…”

So murmurs the small booklet handed out at Tate Modern to accompany the “Rodchenko & Popova” exposition galleria “Defining Constructivism”.

And it’s Big Art all over again in 2009 as we witness the construction of yet more Climate Camp settlements : the art of constructing the future right in your neighbourhood, down amongst the fading idiocy of what passes for modern “built environment”.

Prince Charles should be pleased with us : we’re taking architecture on, head on, and camping our way to a sustainable mode of community infrastructure.

Big Picture Climate Change

Franny Goes To Lollywood

You’d be forgiven for thinking that London has become the eco-celebrity film-making green-carpet capital of the world.

Gushing lesser and former names have been falling all over themselves to promote “The Age of Stupid”. Gillian Anderson (ex of X) was beside herself at the premiere and hasn’t stopped drawling since.

Doors have opened. Doors to Government Ministers, green pretender corporates, la-la fashion design houses. Anyone who’s green is ganging for Franny Armstrong. It’s like she’s made it to the Moon and made a new giant leap for cinematic (wo)mankind.