In the long view, some things are inevitable, and I don’t just mean death and taxes. Within the lifetime of children born today, there must be a complete transformation in energy. The future is renewable, and carefully deployed renewable energy systems can be reliable, sustainable and low cost, besides being low in carbon dioxide emissions to air. This climate safety response is also the answer to a degradation and decline in high quality mineral hydrocarbons – the so-called “fossil” fuels. Over the course of 2014 I shall be writing about Renewable Gas – sustainable, low emissions gas fuels made on the surface of the earth without recourse to mining for energy. Renewable Gas can store the energy from currently underused Renewable Electricity from major producers such as wind and solar farms, and help to balance out power we capture from the variable wind and sun. Key chemical players in these fuels : hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Key chemistry : how to use hydrogen to recycle the carbon oxides to methane. How we get from here to there is incredibly important, and interestingly, methods and techniques for increasing the production volumes of Renewable Gas will be useful for the gradually fading fossil fuel industry. Much of the world’s remaining easily accessible Natural Gas is “sour” – laced with high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. Hydrogen sulfide needs to be removed from the gas, but carbon dioxide can be recycled into methane, raising the quality of the gas. We can preserve the Arctic from fossil gas exploitation, and save ourselves from this economic burden and ecological risk, by employing relatively cheap ways to upgrade sour Natural Gas, from Iran, for example, while we are on the decades-long road of transitioning to Renewable Gas. The new burn is coming.
Academic Freedom Alchemical Arctic Amplification Assets not Liabilities Baseload is History Big Picture Carbon Recycling Climate Change Cost Effective Direction of Travel Energy Autonomy Energy Change Energy Insecurity Energy Revival Extreme Energy Feel Gooder Fossilised Fuels Gamechanger Gas Storage Green Investment Hydrocarbon Hegemony Hydrogen Economy Insulation Low Carbon Life Major Shift Marine Gas Methane Management Optimistic Generation Paradigm Shapeshifter Peak Emissions Peak Natural Gas Price Control Realistic Models Renewable Gas Renewable Resource Solar Sunrise Solution City Stirring Stuff The Power of Intention The Price of Gas The Right Chemistry The Science of Communitagion Unnatural Gas Wind of Fortune