Carbon Commodities Climate Change Global Warming Obamawatch Political Nightmare

All Quiet On The Policy Front

Where’s Climate Change at ?

Behind closed doors. Swept under the mat.

I think a number of people are coming to terms with the fact that carbon pricing cannot possibly sort the problem of emissions. The only way forward is regulation, legislation, rules, laws.

So, where are the policymakers ? And what are they saying ?

“Dumped climate assembly ‘bad from the start’ : 7 October 2010 : Prime Minister Julia Gillard says she is more interested in outcome than method : The Federal Opposition says the dumping of a proposed citizens’ assembly on climate change is proof the Prime Minister has no idea about genuine policy. Julia Gillard went to the election promising to create an assembly of 150 citizens to discuss ways of addressing climate change. Instead, the Government has set up a climate change committee made up of Labor, Greens and independent MPs…”

“Have the Conservatives gone from green to blue? : The environment may not have been a central theme of the Conservative party conference, but that didn’t mean it was altogether off the agenda :
Juliette Jowit in Birmingham : Thursday 7 October 2010 : …Andy Atkins, Friends of the Earth’s executive director, went to both Labour and Tory conferences this year and believes the real test was not in the last two weeks, but will be on 20 October. “In terms of the programme, I think the Tories won, but in terms of leadership, Ed Miliband [the new Labour leader] did say climate change was the greatest challenge of our generation; David Cameron didn’t even mention climate change,” concluded Atkins. “Really we’re waiting; the proof of the pudding is going to be the comprehensive spending review in two weeks time: we’ll see whether the Conservatives’ aspirations to be the greenest government ever are followed by policies and programmes that actually get to that…”

“No Clear Consensus at International Climate Talks : Stephanie Ho : Beijing 07 October 2010 : United Nations talks on climate change are nearing a close with no clear consensus yet in sight. The meeting is aimed at laying the groundwork for progress at a major climate change meeting in Mexico later this year. While many of the negotiators for a global climate change accord consider it a pressing issue, there is less agreement on how to share the burden of tackling the problem. Last year, the international community failed to reach an agreement that included legally binding emissions reductions at a high-profile meeting in Copenhagen…”

“Behind the meltdown of the climate-change bill : Thursday, October 7, 2010 : President Obama killed the climate change bill. That’s the brunt of the article, “As the World Burns, How the Senate and White House missed their best chance to deal with climate change” by Ryan Lizza in the New Yorker. Lizza tells the tale of how Washington’s erstwhile “Three Amigos” – also known as K.G.L., for Sens. John Kerry, D-Mass., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Joe Lieberman, I-Conn.- cobbled together a cap-and-trade climate-change bill that had “the support both of the major green groups and the biggest polluters” – until the deal fell apart. The story has generated a lot of Beltway buzz and some ire among Senate staffers. But if the White House did have a role in killing the bill, kudos to Obamaland. The tale starts in March 2009, when the White House announced a “grand bargain.” In exchange for a cap on carbon emissions, Democrats would agree to offshore oil drilling, nuclear power and more natural gas production…”

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