Energy Revival Nuclear Shambles Pet Peeves Renewable Resource

Toilet Power Trumps Nuclear

Image Credit : NowPublic

I still don’t know what all the fuss is about Nuclear Power, when the BioMethane from all the toilets, farm slurry, hospital and food waste in the country could trounce the amount of power available from atoms by 2020.

Without all that nasty radioactive leftover, massive expensive building projects, social tension, election nightmare and increasing security issues.

Carbon Capture Nuclear Nuisance Nuclear Shambles Pet Peeves

The Nuclear Begging Bowl Fights Back

We told you all along : New Nuclear will be expensive, and the privatised Energy suppliers will not be interested in financing them on their own. Too big a risk.

All that capital tied up in projects that could roll on for years and years and years with no guarantee of a decent generation capacity at the end.

Building infrastructure with no assurances of a return on investment – well, in this Economic climate, it’s not going to happen. New Nuclear will need public sector finance – yet another bailout.

Nuclear Nuisance Nuclear Shambles

The Return of the Nuclear Begging Bowl

There are rumours in the last 48 hours of 2 new Nuclear Power stations being fast-tracked in the United Kingdom :-

They won’t be built without subsidies. Expect a generous handout announcment in…November, probably.