Despite the fact that Robin McKie killed off Climategate on 1st August 2010 in his article for The Observer (thankfully, Will Hutton was away, allowing Robin McKie to venge forcefully) :-
it seems that the Climate Change deniers simply cannot let go of the dead story and bury it. Benny Peiser of the adroitly named “Global Warming Policy Foundation” (suggested motto “We want policies to guarantee Climate chaos” ?), is to publish a report at the end of the month written by Andrew Montford, of Bishop Hill web log fame :-
Sorry to say, but this will be a “we told you so” affair :-
1. We told you so here first – it will be roundly criticised by those who are expert in the subjects of Climate Change and environmental policy.
2. We told you so here first – it will contain a number of significant Scientific claims that will not stand up to close scrutiny.
3. We told you so here first – it will sell.