Animal Kingdoom Be Prepared Climate Change Climate Chaos Fossilised Fuels Global Warming No Pressure Protest & Survive Social Change Social Chaos

And Now For Something Completely Different

[ WAIT FOR IT… a video will appear shortly in the space below…if not, reload the page, will you ? ]

Just what are they brewing ?

Climate Change Protest & Survive

Wheel Progress

Watch out for some bike action at Copenhagen on Wednesday 16th December 2009 :-

Climate Change Media Peace not War Social Change

G20 Action : Your Options : Amuse or Annoy

The “protest community” have a very stark choice about options for non-violent direct action and other forms of demonstration this week. Either you do something to entertain and amuse people, or you do something to annoy.

At a stretch you might even manage to do both, but for the most part it is an either-or situation. Do you hold a street party in fancy dress, or do you try to blockade something, lock on and shut it down ?

Do you publish a newspaper pulling apart current Economic, Energy and Climate policy ? Or do you set up a tent outside the London Climate Exchange and refuse to leave ?