Got a helpful e-mail from Fiona Harvey, regarding my comments on her post. Apparently, I missed the “insider”, the more detailed article inside the front cover of the print edition of the newspaper :-
“Research says climate change undeniable” : By Fiona Harvey, Environment Correspondent, Published: July 28 2010
Fiona wrote :-
“…it is not always immediately apparent online, where stories get separated, but in yesterday’s paper this was essentially part one of a two part story, the second part of which was published inside, there being top little room for all the detail on the front page. The two stories should really be read together…”
I think that second part of the story must be this article :-
“New climate data reignite debate” : By Fiona Harvey : Published: July 28 2010
This piece is written almost entirely from the point of view of Climate Change Science, and would have received a gold star from me, had it not been for the last paragraph :-