Climate Change Global Singeing Science Rules The Data

The Hottest Ever

Image Credit : NASA GISS

NASA GISS compute that the period January to May for 2010 has been the hottest ever on record.

Of course, the Sun is the ultimate cause of rising temperatures on Earth. The energy from the Sun is the driving force behind all the weather systems, ocean currents, wind storms and cloud activity.

But it’s the things you can’t see that are the most significant.

Be Prepared Climate Change Energy Revival Extreme Weather Health Impacts Low Carbon Life Regulatory Ultimatum Renewable Resource Social Change

Blackout Asia : Crispy Baking

While Europe has been enjoying an early Summer, elsewhere in the world high air temperatures have been record-breaking.

When the heat gets this bad, public services need to provide air-conditioned community shelters as a key adaptational strategy.

But any plans of this nature are being thwarted by power shortages, for example, in India and Pakistan :-

“200 Dead In India Heatwave”, 01 June 2010

“Pakistan’s heatwave and a deadly lack of energy policy : The blackout-blighted country should be free to accept development help from China, and not rely on US financial aid : Nosheen Iqbal”, 07 June 2010

Clearly, the time has never been more right for clean, renewable energy.