Global Warming Science Rules The Data

Global Datasets Disagree

Image Credit : NASA GISS

Breaking the trend of the last few months, NASA GISS record that June 2010 was not the hottest June on record since records began (see the “Ts [Surface Temperature] Anomaly” in the bottom right hand quarter of the chart/graph above), even though they admit that the period January 2010 to June 2010 has definitely been the warmest January to June ever, out of 131 years (see the top left hand quarter of the chart/graph above).

Meanwhile, at NOAA, there is some disagreement :-

Climate Change The Data

NASA GISS : 2009 Second Warmest

According to James Hansen and the crew at NASA GISS, 2009 was the second warmest year ever. Yes, even though December 2009 was a bit nippy for some, the Arctic Oscillation couldn’t ruin a grand total of warm.

Climate Change The Data

The Burn Goes On

At the turn of every month, I check the websites of the agencies charged with collecting and analysing the available data on Global Warming, to find out what the latest position shows.

Some agencies update their online resources faster than others. For example, as of today, the Hadley Centre of the Meteorological Office has produced a summary of the Central England Temperature (HadCET, or CET) for both December 2009 and the whole of 2009 :-

And so has the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) – finally :-