Climate Change The Data

Some Of Our Heat Is Missing

As seen on a YouTube here :

The Earth is heating up, as evidenced by a number of direct measurements. However, we do not know where all the heat is located. Here’s what Kevin Trenberth has written, which should be clear for anybody who has a reasonably good command of the English language :-

“Science 16 April 2010: Vol. 328. no. 5976, pp. 316 – 317 : DOI: 10.1126/science.1187272 : Tracking Earth’s Energy : Kevin E. Trenberth and John T. Fasullo : By measuring the net radiative incoming and outgoing energy at the top of Earth’s atmosphere, it is possible to determine how much energy remains in the Earth system. But where exactly does the energy go? The main energy reservoir is the ocean, which sequesters energy as heat. Because energy is exchanged between the atmosphere and the ocean, this heat can resurface at a later time to affect weather and climate on a global scale. A change in the overall energy balance will thus sooner or later have consequences for the climate. Existing observing systems can measure all the required quantities, but it nevertheless remains a challenge to obtain closure of the energy budget. This inability to properly track energy—due to either inadequate measurement accuracy or inadequate data processing—has implications for understanding and predicting future climate. [ National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307, USA. : E-mail: ]”

Could the heat be hiding someplace ? Could it be warming the sub-sea continental shelves (underwater areas of land mass at the edge of tectonic plates, where the seas are shallower than in the main ocean) ? Could it be possible to detect that by checking borehole, well and mine temperatures located near to the edge of the ocean, or in the shallow seas, at depths where temperatures have been measured before ?

Could the “missing” heat be “hidden” in deep waters, taken down low by the great oceanic circulation loops that straddle the globe ? Could we find out by using satellites to see through the shallow water, and check the “colour” of deep water ? Could we assemble records from deep ocean craft and exploration equipment ? Could we use sonar or radio to check the density of water at very low depths (lower density would be a proxy for raised temperatures) ?

Could the missing heat simply be melting the whole of the Arctic region ? And the Antarctic ? Is there some previously unaccounted for process that puts heat where we haven’t been measuring ?

All I know is : heat is not the same as electromagnetic radiation. Heat causes matter to radiate, but heat also travels through matter to other places…places where, it seems, we aren’t currently checking.

There are so many questions, and really not a lot of time, funds, equipment or (wo)manpower to answer them.

Take a look at the first comment under this article :-

Apparently, the writer of that comment believes that gravity causes Climate Change :-

And I thought I was joking, when I said that very same thing only recently :-

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