Climate Change Regulatory Ultimatum

Robert Kennedy : Coal Revolt

Coal is dirty – and dangerous. This month’s coal mine disaster in West Virginia, United States should have underscored this very point for a great number of people.

It makes Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s recent debate with Massey Energy’s Don Blankenship all the more pertinent, and poignant.

It’s time we made the decision to leave the Coal in the ground.

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says not to get science from Glenn Beck : By Josh Smith : Deseret News : Published: Tuesday, April 6, 2010 : Don’t get your science from Glenn Beck. That’s the message environmental activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wants to bring to citizens and media across the country, and recently he brought it to Utah. Americans should be trying to prevent further global climate change and environmental destruction for economic and national security reasons, but an “18-year propaganda campaign” by oil and coal companies has misled the public and media on their dangers, Kennedy said. “The science on global warming is stronger than it is on tobacco and cancer, yet we still have these myths that create doubt…Our children will pay the price for our joy ride,” he said. “Incumbent” energy companies, such as those using oil, coal and nuclear power, are hogging taxpayer resources and hiding the true costs of such energy, Kennedy said. “When they say it’s clean, we know it’s a dirty lie. When they say it’s cheap, we know it’s a bigger lie,” he said…

“…The Press is not going its job. The journalists’ job is to find the truth and then convey it to the public…The “fourth estate” has let down the American people…

“Crimes Against Nature (2008) : CRIMES AGAINST NATURE : 120 mins. 2008 : This is a film version of the book by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. narrated by Morgan Freeman and directed by Angus Yates. Kennedy explores the human cost of coal mining in Appalachia using mountaintop removal mining. “In a ferocious three-year attack, the Bush administration has initiated more than 200 major rollbacks of America’s environmental laws, weakening the protection of our country’s air, water, public lands and wildlife,” Kennedy writes in the book. “Cloaked in meticulously crafted language designed to deceive the public, the administration intends to eliminate the nation’s most important environmental laws by the end of the year.” ”

Clipse from the film “Crimes against Nature” :-

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