The Public Opinion No is a Government Policy Yes. Carbon is Zero Carbon. Coal is Clean. Sounds like Doublethink to me.
As Orwell put it : “The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them….To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies…”
And so it is that Ed Miliband is reported to speak without a trace of irony : “…Ed Miliband…said that he certainly saw coal playing a role in the energy mix in the future, with the assistance of carbon capture and storage (CCS), because the coal of the future must be clean. He said that there was no feasible solution to climate change without coal in the energy mix…”
Isn’t that like saying we can’t have life without killing everything ? Are we killing all the villagers in order to save the village ?
Coal is not the solution to Climate Change, and “Clean” Coal is not the solution to Climate Change and Carbon Capture and Storage is not the solution to Climate Change.
If I hear that phrase “energy mix” one more time, I’m going to get tetchy. The phrase “energy mix” has been used for several years as a way to justify keeping old Nuclear dreams alive, re-open British coalmines and avoid doing anything serious about Energy waste. Appalling !
The Coal lobby speak with Carbon-dusted tongues and have Captured the Minister.
Ed has it all wrong, I tell you.
“UK’s Miliband sees clean coal forming part of future energy mix : By: Christy van der Merwe : 6th August 2009 : UK Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Ed Miliband on Thursday said that he certainly saw coal playing a role in the energy mix in the future, with the assistance of carbon capture and storage (CCS), because the coal of the future must be clean. He said that there was no feasible solution to climate change without coal in the energy mix, but added that there was a lot of scientific, test and demonstration work that needed to be done in order to convince the public of the safety of CCS technology, as well as its economic feasibility. Addressing delegates gathered at the South African centre for carbon capture and storage, Miliband said that public acceptability of CCS would need to be gained through rigorous and convincing scientific work. The British High Commission in South Africa is one of the core members, providing funding for the South African centre for CCS, and Miliband congratulated the centre on the work they were doing. The centre, led by Dr Tony Surridge, was focused on drawing up a comprehensive CCS storage atlas for South Africa, which would show in detail potential storage sites for sequestrated carbon dioxide. While technologies for CCS could be globally developed, locally appropriate knowledge was vital when it came to identifying potential storage sites. The South African storage atlas project was started in 2008, and the completed atlas was expected by mid-2010…”