Hands up, all of you who’ve seen The Simpsons Movie ?
[ I can hear choral singing in the background and see white clouds on a blue, blue sky; but it’s not the title sequence for the “propaganda” film “The Great Global Warming Swindle”. ]
Of course you have, all of you. You’ve followed the First Yellow Family for years, and so you know all about the great glass dome that the EPA swings over Springfield to protect the rest of America from their toxic lake.
Well, in a strange case of life imitating art, the Environmental Protection Agency, the aforementioned EPA, are swinging into action for real. It’s a really big deal, and so all-encompassing that a nationwide glass dome will really not be an option.
They’re going to ban Carbon Dioxide emissions and several other Greenhouse Gases, under the Clean Air Act !
“EPA decision: big news but the real impact is some way off : April 17 by Kate Mackenzie : The US Environmental Protection Agency has made its much-anticipated decision that greenhouse gases should be regulated under the Clean Air Act, which it enforces. This is important for two reasons: it clears the way for regulation on carbon emissions, and it is also a formal declaration that carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases are endangering health and wellbeing.”
“Obama administration breaks with the years of ‘climate change denial’ : Suzanne Goldenberg, US environment correspondent : guardian.co.uk, Friday 17 April 2009 : The Obama administration took a bold first step towards limiting the gases that cause global warming today after formally declaring that such emissions are a danger to public health. The official finding by the Environmental Protection Agency that carbon dioxide and five other gases threaten public welfare sets the stage for regulation of emissions from coal-fired power plants, and for forcing US car manufacturers to make cleaner and more fuel efficient vehicles.”
“Page last updated at 17:29 GMT, Friday, 17 April 2009 18:29 UK : Obama to regulate ‘pollutant’ CO2 : By Richard Black : Environment correspondent, BBC News website : The US government is to regulate carbon dioxide emissions, having decided that it and five other greenhouse gases may endanger human health and well-being. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the move following a review of the scientific evidence. The decision marks a major change from the Bush presidency, when the EPA argued it could not regulate CO2 because the gas was not a pollutant.”
“US moves toward climate change rules : By H. Josef Hebert, Associated Press : Friday, 17 April 2009 : The US Environmental Protection Agency concluded today that greenhouse gases linked to climate change “endanger public health and welfare,” setting the stage for regulating them under federal clean air laws. The EPA action marks the first step toward imposing limits on pollution linked to climate change, which would mean tighter rules for cars and power plants. Agency officials cautioned such regulations are expected to be part of a lengthy process and not issued anytime soon. Limits on carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases would have widespread economic and social impact, from requiring better fuel efficiency for automobiles to limiting emissions from power plants and industrial sources, changing the way the nation produces energy.”
“US declares greenhouse gases are threat to public health
America has signalled a fundamental shift in its stance on global warming with a declaration from the Obama administration that greenhouse gases are a threat to public health. : By Tom Leonard in New York : Last Updated: 7:07PM BST 17 Apr 2009 : The US Environmental Protection Agency ruling is expected to mean new regulations of cars, power plants, building sites and factories : The statement issued by the US Environmental Protection Agency is expected to pave the way for new regulations of cars, power plants, building sites and factories by identifying carbon dioxide and five other gases as pollutants. Environmental groups applauded it as a landmark decision that would allow Barack Obama to meet his call for a low carbon economy but industry groups warned that the so-called “endangerment finding” could cripple the struggling US economy.”