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Bjorn Lomborg Chills Out

[ TED Talks : Flashback to 2005 ! Of course, one of the main problems with his “triage” suggestion is that Climate Change affects all the other problems in his prioritisation list, so even if they get solved once, they’ll need solving again… ]

Reports of Bjorn Lomborg’s conversion to the truth about Global Warming may be perilously exaggerated :-

“ I note with interest that Bjørn Lomborg has changed his mind on global warming. I also note that he has a book to sell.”

Beside a book, he is also touting a film :-

Has he really changed his tune ? Nope. :-

“…In an exclusive interview with FP’s Elizabeth Dickinson, Lomborg says his views haven’t budged an inch. Rather, he argues that the cap-and-trade approach of Kyoto Protocol fame has clearly failed, and it’s time to try a more creative approach — one that doesn’t involve wasting billions of dollars. “At some point,” he says, “we have to ask ourselves, do we just want to keep up the circus of promising stuff but not actually doing it?”…”

“Lomborg is not a responsible climate commentator.”