Climate Change Climate Chaos Climate Damages

This post has had 26,783 views

This Forbes “op/ed” or “opposite the editorial page” article entitled “The True Global Warming Crisis: The Fibs Underlying The Theory” posted on the Internet has had, at the last count, 26,783 views, despite the fact that it appears to me that it’s not dissimilar to a sackload of rotting spume.

I am so totally fed up with reading this kind of, what I read as, convoluted diatribe, written in a style that I consider to be cant, bile or just ill-informed and ill-intentioned sensationalist claptrap.

Professor of Meteorology at MIT, Dr Richard “Dick” Lindzen has totally let himself, and the whole of world, down, in my view, with this quotation in the article :-

“The latest IPCC report truly sank to the level of hilarious incoherence – it is quite amazing to see the contortions the IPCC has to go through in order to keep the international climate agenda going.”

The article claims, apparently in total ignorance, that “the IPCC actually admitted that its 2007 report estimate of greenhouse gas influence had been significantly exaggerated”, which would be a scandal if the article writer had any foundation for that claim, but is so patently untrue that I don’t really know how the Forbes editors didn’t wonder whether they should publish this or not.

And the following is, I feel, simply facetious, in a section claiming that global warming has stopped, essentially – “some beleaguered IPCC participants wasted no time latching onto a hail-Mary hypothesis advanced by New Zealander Kevin Trenberth that the oceans ate their recent global warming temperatures.”

To put the author, Larry Bell, in the picture, THERE IS NO PAUSE – global warming of the whole Earth system has carried on unabated – it’s just that the surface air temperatures (a small part of the picture) have hit a bit of a hiatus in their inexorable climb – due to cyclic variations in climate patterns.

It seems Larry Bell doesn’t know this, because it’s unlikely that he’s read the science, especially the latest IPCC report. So why should he expect you to read what he has written and accept it ? Why has he, indeed, bothered to write this piece, that gives to me a good impression of being useless waste and an insult to intelligence ?

I think it is really time for what looks like malicious nonsense to me – like this article – to be refused publication. It seems to be not based on fact, merely on ideologically-motivated and borrowed opinion. Would Larry Bell ever condescend to hold an original opinion, I ask myself ? And would he ever base an article about climate change on the science ?

Deep questions, I’m sure you’ll agree, when you’ve stopped chastising me for urging censorship of what I see as downright non-scientific and dubious verbiage dressed up badly as informed opinion.

Set phasers to stun.

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