How paranoid is Andrew Montford of Edinburgh, Scotland ? Does he have any reason to be afeard now that the Climate Camp has parked up on his doorstep ?
Don’t worry. This isn’t a threat, Andrew. It’s a invitation. When the rocket stoves have been lit and the canvas staked out, you’re invited to come and talk with real people about the realities of Climate Change instead of being cooped up with your hot laptop at home cooking up hurtful and inaccurate things to say about working Scientists and activists.
By the way, I rocked with laughter at this recent review of your book “The Hockey Stick Illusion” :-
A.W. Montford
STACEY INTERNATIONAL, £10.99 PP482 ISBN 9781906768355
The ‘hockey stick’ is a graph showing the Earth’s temperature relatively constant for the past thousand years but then, like a hockey stick’s blade, rising sharply from about 1900 when human-induced greenhouse gas emissions seriously kicked in. But according to A.W. Montford’s “definitive exposé”, it’s just not true.
The captain of the ‘Hockey Team’, Montford writes, is the renowned American climatologist, Michael Mann, and at least forty-two named co-conspirators, all acclaimed scientists. Their motivation?
To keep the hockey-stick’s handle long and flat. Why? Because “the flatter the representation [before the upward swing]… the scarier were the conclusions”.
To generate the scare, and with it, win grant-grubbing political prestige, the scientists on the ‘Hockey Team’ had to massage out the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) – an epoch that lasted 300 years until 1250, when Vikings swashbuckled Greenland and wine from home-grown grapes swilled the manor halls of England.
Had the MWP been left in, claims Montford, the temperature curve for the past millennium would look more U-shaped. This would have diminished the case for human-induced global warming, obviating the urgency to discomfort ourselves by cutting CO2 emissions.
Montford claims that the MWP was airbrushed out by cherry-picking and statistically steamrollering tree-ring data – one of the proxies used to reconstruct past planetary temperatures. Leaked East Anglia emails clinch the case. Bottom line: the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate has “proven itself to be corrupt, biased and beset by conflicts of interest…. There is no conceivable way that politicians can justify this failing to their electorates. They have no choice but to start again.”
But who is Montford, and what are his sources?
Andrew Montford is a chartered accountant with a BSc in chemistry from St Andrews University. Based in Edinburgh, he is better known as the pseudonymous blogger, Bishop Hill – self-described as “the dissentient afflicted with the malady of thought”.
His book’s opening paragraph tells how he learned the intricacies of climate science by reading Climate Audit – the blog of Canadian mining consultant, Steve McIntyre. He relates: “While some of the statistics was [sic] over my head … I wondered if my newly-found understanding of the debate would enable me to take on … a public duty to make the story more widely known.”
After posting a summary on the internet, “my sleepy and relatively obscure website [turned] into a hive of activity, with thirty thousand hits being received over the following three days … saying nice things about what I had written [and] even an attempt to use my article as a source document for Wikipedia.”
But McIntyre’s attack on Mann is strongly contested. A study from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution concluded that McIntyre had overplayed his hand.
A German appraisal picked up “a glitch” but “found this glitch to be of very minor significance”. An investigation by the US National Academy of Sciences, according to a report in Nature, “essentially upholds Mann’s findings”. And a review this year by Mann’s own university exonerated him, not necessarily of all error (which is inevitable in fast-evolving scientific fields), but of “any wrongdoing”.
Even if Mann were guilty as charged by the climate change contrarians, the hockey stick has been replicated by at least a dozen other studies. Above all, the MWP is probably a red herring. Its warming effect was probably more regional than global.
A parallel would be our past winter which was exceptionally cold regionally in Europe, but globally the hottest that NASA has ever recorded.
Montford’s analysis might cut the mustard with tabloid intellectuals but not with most scientists. Credibility counts. Mann has published over a hundred relevant contributions to scholarly journals compared, seemingly, with McIntyre, three, and Montford, nil. Meanwhile, Mann and his colleagues get on with refining their methods and datasets, publishing in such world-renowned journals such as Nature and Science.
The Hockey Stick Illusion might serve a psychological need in those who can’t face their own complicity in climate change, but at the end of the day it’s exactly what it says on the box: a write-up of somebody else’s blog.
At best it will help to keep already-overstretched scientists “on their toes”. At worst, it’s a yapping terrier worrying the bull; it cripples action, potentially costing lives and livelihoods.
Alastair McIntosh
Alastair McIntosh is a lovely man. I met him and his wife last year, and he is completely trustworthy. You do need to pay attention to what he says.
For a complete analysis of your work, see here :-
Andrew, why are you so unfaithful to Chemistry ? Didn’t you learn about the vibrational modes of gas molecules ? Don’t you know how electromagnetic radiation interacts with matter ?
Please read the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fourth Assessment Report. It’s free and available online. Get the true picture :-
You’ve got no excuse now. All the facts are in front of you. You need to start to digest them. Then you’ll be ready for your fireside chat with the Scientists and Engineers at Climate Camp when you get the courage to get on down there.
4 replies on “On Bishop Hill’s Doorstep”
Dear Jo, I have flagged this invitation up on a webpage with my review from Scottish Review of Books and a summary of responses.
See also:
Been back to Collide a scape recently Jo…?
“Not Found : Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn’t here.”
Serioulsy your actions (past/present)have done wonders for anyone sceptical of Catastrophic Man made Climate Change..
I’d post this link onto Bishop Hill…but lots of sceptics might come here.
Don’t talk down to Judith about physics.
Her CV
Judith Curry:
1982 Ph.D. The University of Chicago, Geophysical Sciences
1974 B.S. cum laude Northern Illinois University, Geography
Professional Experience
2002- Chair, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology
1992-2002 Professor, University of Colorado-Boulder, Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences
Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Environmental Studies Program
1989-1992 Associate Professor, Department of Meteorology, Penn State
1986-1989 Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University
1982-1986 Assistant Scientist, Department of Meteorology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2006 Georgia Tech Sigma Xi Award, Best Faculty Paper Award
2004 Fellow, American Geophysical Union
2002 NASA Group Achievement Award for CAMEX-4
1997 Elected Councilor, American Meteorological Society
1995 Fellow, American Meteorological Society”
1992 Henry G. Houghton Award, the American Meteorological Society
1988 Presidential Young Investigator Award, the National Science Foundation Councillor
Professional Activities (last five years)
World Meteorological Organization / International Council of Scientific Unions / International Ocean Commission / World Climate Research Programme
Global Energy and Water Experiment (GEWEX) Radiation Panel (1994-2004 )
GEWEX Cloud System Studies (GCSS) Science Steering Group (1998-2004 )
Chair, GCSS Working Group on Polar Clouds (1998-2004 )
Chair, GEWEX Radiation Panel SEAFLUX Project (1999-2004)
Science Steering Group, Arctic Climate System (ACSYS) Programme (1994-2000)
Steering Committee, IGAC/SOLAS Air-Ice Chemical Interactions (2003- )
American Meteorological Society
Executive Committee of the Council (1998-2000)
Councillor (1997-2000)
Awards Committee (1995-1997)
Editor, Journal of Applied Meteorology (1993-1996)
National Science Foundation
Panel to review NCAR (2002)
Co-Chair, Science Working Group, Surface Heat Balance of the Arctic (SHEBA) (1993-1996)
Atmospheric Sciences Observing Facilities Advisory Panel (1994-1997)
Arctic System Science (ARCSS) Steering Committee (1993-1995)
Department of Energy
Executive Committee, Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program (93-96) Chair (1997-2000) and Member (1993-2000), Science Steering Committee, ARM Alaska site
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Lead Mission Scientist, FIRE Arctic Cloud Experiment (1996-1999)
Technology Subcommittee of the Earth System Science and Applications Advisory Committee (1997-2003)
Review Team, Earth System Science Pathfinder Missions (1998-1999)
Climate Research Committee (2003-2006)
Space Studies Board (2004-2007)
Steering Committee for the Postdoc Program in Climate and Global Change, 1994-1998
Council on Long-Term Climate Monitoring 2002-2004
Climate Working Group 2004-2008
Executive Committee for AGU Board of Heads and Chairs (2004-)
External Review Committee, Environmental Sciences Department, Rutgers University (2000-2001)
External Review Committee, Dept of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue Univ (2003)
Nominating Committee, AGU Atmospheric Science Division (2004-)
Curry, J.A. and P.J. Webster, 1999: Thermodynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans. Academic Press, London, 467 pp.
Holton, J.P., J.A. Curry, and J. Doyle, eds., 2002: Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences. Academic Press, London, 4000p.
Refereed Publications
Curry, J.A., 1983: On the formation of continental Polar air. J. Atmos. Sci., 40, 2278-2292.
Herman, G.F. and J.A. Curry, 1984: Observational and theoretical studies of solar radiation in Arctic stratus clouds. J. Clim. Appl. Met., 23, 5-24.
Curry, J.A. and G. F. Herman, 1985: Infrared radiative properties of Arctic stratus clouds. J. Clim. Appl. Met., 24, 525-538.
Curry, J.A. and G.F. Herman, 1985: Relationships between large-scale heat and moisture budgets and the occurrence of Arcticstratus clouds. Mon. Wea. Rev., 113, 1441-1457.
Curry, J.A., 1986: Interactions among turbulence, radiation and microphysics in Arctic stratus clouds. J. Atmos. Sci., 43, 90-106.
Curry, J.A., 1986: Reply to comments on “Interactions between turbulence, radiation and microphysics in Arctic stratus clouds.” J. Atmos. Sci., 43, 2753-2755.
Curry, J.A., 1987: The contribution of radiative cooling to the formation of cold-core anticyclones. J. Atmos. Sci., 44, 2575-2592.
Curry, J.A., E.E. Ebert, and G.F. Herman, 1988: Mean and turbulence structure of the summertime Arctic cloudy boundary layer. Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc., 114, 715-746.
Curry, J.A., 1988: Arctic cloudiness in spring from satellite imagery: some comments. J. Climatol., 8, 543-549.
Curry, J.A. and C.-H. Moeng, 1989: Role of cloud-top radiative cooling in the production of turbulence kinetic energy. In IRS’88: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation, J. Lenoble and J.F. Geleyn (eds). A. Deepak Publ., 60-63.
Curry, J.A., F.G. Meyer and E.E. Ebert, 1989: Cloudless ice-crystal precipitation in the polar regions. In IRS ’88: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation, J. Lenoble and J.F. Geleyn (eds). A. Deepak Publ., 80-83.
Tian, L. and J.A. Curry, 1989: Cloud overlap statistics. J. Geophys. Res., 94, 9925-9935.
Curry, J.A. and E.E. Ebert, 1990: Sensitivity of the thickness of Arctic sea ice to the optical properties of clouds. Ann. Glac., 14, 43-46.
Curry, J.A., F.G. Meyer, L.F. Radke, C.A. Brock, and E.E. Ebert, 1990: The occurrence and characteristics of lower tropospheric ice crystals in the Arctic. Int. J. Climatol., 10, 749-764.
Curry, J.A., C.D. Ardeel, and L. Tian, 1990: Liquid water content and precipitation characteristics of stratiform clouds as inferred from satellite microwave measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 95, 16659-16671.
Meyer, F.G., J.A. Curry, C.A. Brock and L.F. Radke, 1991: Springtime visibility in the Arctic. J. Appl. Meteor., 30, 342-357.
Ebert, E.E. and J.A. Curry, 1992: A parameterization of cirrus cloud optical properties for climate models. J. Geophys. Res., 97, 3831-3836.
Sheu, R-.S. and J.A. Curry, 1992: Interactions between North Atlantic clouds and the large- scale environment. Mon. Wea. Rev.,120, 261-278.
Curry, J.A. and G. Liu, 1992: Assessment of aircraft icing potential using satellite data. J. Appl. Meteor., 31, 605-621.
Curry, J.A. and E.E. Ebert, 1992: Annual cycle of radiative fluxes over the Arctic ocean: Sensitivity to cloud optical properties. J. Climate, 5, 1267-1280.
Liu, G. and J.A. Curry, 1992: Retrieval of precipitation from satellite microwave measure-ments using both emission and scattering. J. Geophys. Res., 97, 9959-9974.
Ebert, E. and J.A. Curry, 1993: An intermediate one-dimensional thermodynamic sea ice model for investigating ice-atmosphere interactions. J. Geophys. Res., 98, 10085-10109.
Tan, Y.C. and J.A. Curry, 1993: A diagnostic study of the evolution of an intense North American anticyclone during winter 1989. Mon. Wea. Rev., 121, 961-975.
Liu, G. and J.A. Curry, 1993: Determination of characteristics of cloud liquid water from satellite microwave measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 98, 5069-5092.
Wilson, L.D., J.A. Curry, and T.P. Ackerman, 1993: On the satellite retrieval of lower tropospheric ice crystal clouds in the polar regions. J. Climate, 6, 1467-1472.
Curry, J.A., J. Schramm and E.E. Ebert, 1993: Impact of clouds on the surface radiation budget of the Arctic Ocean. Meteor. and Atmos. Phys, 57, 197-217.
Curry, J.A. and L.F. Radke, 1993: Possible role of ice crystals in ozone destructionof the lower Arctic atmosphere. Atmos. Environ., 27, 2873-2879.
Curry, J.A. et al., 1994: New Program to Research Issues of Global Climate in the Arctic. EOS, 75, 249-252.
Liu, G., J.A. Curry and M. Weadon, 1994: Atmospheric water balance in Typhoon Nina as determined from SSM/I satellite data. Meteor. Atmos. Phys. 54, 141-156.
Curry, J.A., J. Schramm and E. E. Ebert, 1995: On the sea ice albedo climate feedback mechanism. J. Climate, 8, 240-247.
Curry, J.A., 1995: Interactions Among Aerosols, Clouds and Climate of the Arctic Ocean.The Science of the Total Environment, 160/161, 777-791.
Liu, G., J.A. Curry, and C.A. Clayson, 1995: Study of tropical cyclogenesis using satellite data. Meteor. Atmos. Phys., 56, 111-123.
Pinto, J.O., J.A. Curry and K.L. McInnes, 1995: Atmospheric convective plumes emanating from leads. Part I: Thermodynamic structure. J. Geophys. Res., 100, 4621-4632.
Pinto, J.O. and J.A. Curry, 1995: Atmospheric convective plumes emanating from leads. Part II: Cloud microphysical and radiative properties. J. Geophys. Res., 100, 4633- 642.
Alam, A. and J.A. Curry, 1995: Lead-induced atmospheric circulations. J. Geophys. Res., 100, 4643-4652.
McInnes, K.L. and J.A. Curry, 1995: Modelling the mean and turbulent structure of the summertime Arctic cloudy boundary layer. Bound. Lay. Meteor., 73, 125-143.
Liu, G., J.A. Curry, and R.S. Sheu, 1995: Classification of clouds over the western equatorial Pacific Ocean using combined infrared and microwave satellite data. J. Geophys. Res., 100, 13,811-13,826.
Curry, J.A., J.L. Schramm, MC. Serreze, and E.E. Ebert, 1995: Water vaporfeedback over the Arctic Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 100, 14,223-14,229.
Ebert, E.E., J.L. Schramm, and J.A. Curry, 1995: Disposition of shortwave radiation in sea ice. J. Geophys. Res., 100, 15965-15976.
Curry, J.A., D. Randall, and W.B. Rossow, and J.L. Schramm, 1996: Overview of arctic cloud and radiation characteristics. J. Clim., 9, 1731-1764.
Webster, P.J., C.A. Clayson, and J.A. Curry, 1996: Clouds, radiation, and the diurnal cycle of sea surface temperature in the tropical western Pacific. J. Clim., 9, 1712-1730.
Considine, G. and J.A. Curry, 1996: A statistical model of drop size spectra for stratocumulus clouds. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 122, 611-634.
Sheu, R.-S., J. A. Curry, and G. Liu, 1996: Satellite retrieval of tropical rainfall using ISCCP analyses and microwave measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 21291-21301.
Liu, G. and J.A. Curry, 1996: Large-scale cloud features during winter in the north Atlantic Ocean determined from SSM/I and SSM/T2 observations. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 7019-7032.
Clayson, C.A. and J.A. Curry, 1996: Determination of surface turbulent fluxes for TOGA COARE: Comparison of satellite retrievals and in situ measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 28,503-28,513.
Clayson, C.A., C.W. Fairall, and J.A. Curry, 1996: Evaluation of turbulent fluxes at the ocean surface using surface renewal theory. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 28,515-28,528.
Sheu, R.-S., J.A. Curry, and G. Liu, 1997: Vertical Stratification of Tropical Cloud Properties as Determined from Satellite. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 4231-4246.
Duane, G. and J.A. Curry, 1997: Entropy of a convecting water-air system and the interpretation of cloud morphogenesis. Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 123, 605-629
Schramm, J.L., M. Holland, J.A. Curry, and E.E. Ebert, 1997: Modeling the thermodynamics of a distribution of sea ice thicknesses. Part I: Sensitivity to ice thickness resolution. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 23079-23092.
Holland, M., J.A. Curry, and J.L. Schramm, 1997: Modeling the thermodynamics of a distribution of sea ice thicknesses. Part II: Ice/ocean interactions. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 23093-23108.
Pinto, J.O., J.A. Curry, and C.W. Fairall, 1997: Radiative characteristics of the Arctic atmosphere during spring as inferred from ground-based measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 6941-6952.
Liu, G. and J.A. Curry, 1997: Precipitation characteristics in the GIN Seas determined using satellite microwave data. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 13987-13998.
Curry, J.A., J.O. Pinto, T. Benner, and M. Tschudi, 1997: Evolution of the cloudy boundary layer during the autumnal freezing of the Beaufort Sea. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 13851-13860.
Pinto, J.O. and J.A. Curry, 1997: Role of radiative transfer in the modeled mesoscale development of summertime arctic stratus. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 13861-13872.
Alam, A. and J.A. Curry, 1997: Determination of surface turbulent fluxes over leads in arctic sea ice. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 3331-3344.
Considine, G., J.A. Curry, and B.A. Wielicki, 1997: Modeling cloud fraction and horizontal variability in boundary layer clouds. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 13,517 – 13,525.
Schramm, J.L., M.M. Holland, and J.A. Curry, 1997: Applications of a single-column ice/ocean model understanding the mass balance of sea ice and snow in the Central Arctic. Ann. Glaciol., 25, 287-291.
Holland, M.M., J.L. Schramm, and J.A. Curry, 1997: Thermodynamic feedback processes in a single-column sea ice/ocean model. Ann. Glaciol., 25, 327-332.
Arbetter, T., J.A. Curry, M.M. Holland, and J. M. Maslanik, 1997: Response of sea ice models to perturbations in surface heat flux. Ann. Glaciol., 25, 193-197.
Tschudi, M., J.A. Curry, and J.M. Maslanik, 1997: Determination of areal surface feature coverage in the Beaufort Sea using aircraft video data. Ann. Glaciol., 25, 434-438.
Considine, G. and J.A. Curry, 1998: Role of entrainment and droplet sedimentation on the microphysical structure in stratus and stratocumulus clouds. Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 24, 123-150.
Randall, D., J. A. Curry, et al., 1998: Outlook for Large-Scale Modelling of Atmosphere Ice-Ocean Interactions in the Arctic. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 70, 197-219. (pdf full-text)
Liu, G. and J.A. Curry, 1998: Remote sensing of ice water characteristics in tropical clouds using aircraft microwave measurements. J. Appl. Meteor., 37, 337-355. (pdf full-text)
Liu, G. and J .A. Curry, 1998: An investigation of the relationship between emission and scattering signals in SSM/I data. J . Atmos. Sci., 55, 1628-1643. (pdf full-text)
Alam, A. and J.A. Curry, 1998: Evolution of new ice and turbulent fluxes from freezing Arctic leads. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 15,783-15,802.
Benner, T.C. and J.A. Curry, 1998: Characteristics of small tropical cumulus clouds and their impact on the environment. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 28753-28768.
Webster, P.J. and J.A. Curry, 1998: The Oceans and Weather. Scien. Amer., 9, 38-43.
Stamnes, K., Ellingson, R.G., J.A. Curry, J.E. Walsh, and B. D. Zak, 1999: Review of science issues and deployment strategies for the North Slope of Alaska/Adjacent Arctic Ocean (NSA/AAO) ARM site. J. Climate, 12, 46-63.
Pinto, J.O., J.A. Curry, and A.H. Lynch, 1999: Modeling clouds and radiation for the November 1997 period of SHEBA using a column climate model. J. Geophys. Res., 104, 6661-6678.
Liu, G. and J.A. Curry, 1999: Tropical ice water amount and its relations to other atmospheric hydrological parameters as inferred from satellite data J. Appl. Meteor., 38, 1182-1194.
Khvorostyanov, V.I., and J.A. Curry, 1999: A simple analytical model of aerosol properties with account for hygroscopic growth. Part I: Equilibrium size spectra and CCN activity spectra. J. Geophys. Res., 104, 2163-2174.
Khvorostyanov, V.I., and J.A. Curry, 1999: A simple analytical model of aerosol properties with account for hygroscopic growth. Part II: Scattering and absorption coefficients. J. Geophys. Res., 104, 2175-2184.
Perovich, D. K., E.L. Andreas, J.A. Curry, et al., 1999: Year on ice gives climate insights. EOS, 80, 481.
Khvorostyanov, V.I. and J.A. Curry, 1999: Theory of Stochastic Condensation in Clouds. Part I: A General Kinetic Equation. J. Atmos. Sci, 56, 3985-3996.
Khvorostyanov, V.I. and J.A. Curry, 1999: Theory of Stochastic Condensation in Clouds. Part II: Analytical Solutions of the Gamma-Distribution Type. J. Atmos. Sci, 56, 3997-4013.
Arbetter, T.E., J.A. Curry, and J.A. Maslanik, 1999: On the effects of rheology and ice thickness distribution in a dynamic-thermodynamic sea ice model. J. Phys. Oceanog., 29, 2656-2670
Holland, M.M. and J.A. Curry, 1999: The role of different physical process in determining the interdecadal variability of Arctic sea ice. J. Climate, 12, 3319-3330.
Curry, J.A. et al., 1999: High-resolution satellite-derived dataset of the ocean surface fluxes of heat, freshwater and momentum for the TOGA COARE IOP. Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 80, 2059-2080.
Curry, J.A., P. Hobbs, M. King, D. Randall, P. Minnis, et al.. 2000: FIRE Arctic Clouds Experiment. Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 81, 5-30.
Kosovic, B., and J.A. Curry, 2000: A quasi steady state of a stable stratified atmospheric boundary layer: a large-eddy simulation study. J. Atmos. Sci., 57, 1052-1068.
Jiang, H. W.R. Cotton, J.O. Pinto, J.A. Curry, and M.J. Weissbluth, 2000: Sensitivity of mixed-phase Arctic stratocumulus to ice forming nuclei and large-scale heat and moisture advection. J. Atmos. Sci., 57, 2105-2117.
Liu, G. and J.A. Curry, 2000: Determination of ice water path and mass median particle size using multichannel microwave measurements. J. Appl. Meteor., 39, 1318-1329.
Schramm, J.L., G. M. Flato, and J.A. Curry, 2000: Towards the modelling of enhanced basal melting in ridge keels. J. Geophys. Res., 105, 14081-14092.
Khvorostyanov, V.I. and J.A. Curry, 2000: A New Theory of Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation for Application in Cloud and Climate Models. Geophys. Res. Lett., 27 , 4081-4084.
Curry, J.A., J.L. Schramm, D. Perovich, and J.O. Pinto, 2001: Application of SHEBA/FIRE data to evaluation of sea ice surface albedo parameterizations. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 15345-15356.
Pinto, J.O., J.A. Curry, and J. Intrieri, 2001: Cloud-aerosol interactions during autumn over the Beaufort Sea. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 15077-15098.
Haggerty, J.A., and J.A. Curry, 2001: Microwave emissivity of sea ice estimated from aircraft measurements during FIRE-SHEBA. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 15265-15278.
Tschudi, M., J.A. Curry, and J.M. Maslanik, 2001: Airborne observations of summertime surface features and their effect on surface albedo during SHEBA. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 15335-15344.
Benner, T , J.A. Curry, and J.O. Pinto, 2001: Radiative transfer in the summertime Arctic. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 15173-15184.
Girard, E. and J.A. Curry, 2001: Simulation of arctic low-level clouds observed during the FIRE Arctic Clouds Experiment using a new bulk microphysics scheme. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 15139-15154.
Khvorostyanov, V.I., J.A. Curry et al., 2001: Evaluation of an explicit microphysics scheme using observations of an upper-level cloud system observed during FIRE.ACE. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 15,099-15,112.
Curry, J.A., 2001: Introduction to special section: FIRE Arctic Clouds Experiment. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 14,985-14,989.
Holland, G.H., P.J. Webster, J.A. Curry, et al., 2001: The Aerosonde robotic aircraft: A new paradigm for environmental observations. Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc, 82, 889-901.
Lin, B., P. Minnis, A. Fan, J.A. Curry, et al., 2001: Comparison of cloud liquid water paths derived from in situ and microwave radiometer data taken during the SHEBA/FIREACE. Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 975-978.
Liu, G., J.A. Curry, J.A. Haggerty, and Y. Fu, 2001: Retrieval and Characterization of Cloud Liquid Water Path Using Airborne Passive Microwave Data during INDOEX. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 28,719-28,730.
Tschudi, M., J.A. Curry, and J. Maslanik, 2002: Characterization of springtime leads in the Arctic Ocean from airborne observations during FIRE/SHEBA. J. Geophys. Res-Oceans., 107 (C10): Art No. 8034.
Uttal, T., Curry, J.A., and 26 others, 2002: Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 83, 255-275.
Curry, J.A. and A.H. Lynch, 2002: Comparing Arctic Regional Climate Models. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 83, p 87.
Haggerty, J.A., J.A. Maslanik, and J.A. Curry, 2002: Heterogeneity of sea ice surface temperature at SHEBA from aircraft measurements. J. Geophys. Res., accepted.
Curry, J.A., J.L. Schramm, A. Alam, R. Reeder, T.E. Arbetter, P. Guest, 2002: Evaluation of data sets used to force sea ice models in the Arctic Ocean. J. Geophys Res., 107, art. no 3102.
Haggerty, J.A., J.A. Curry, and G. Liu, 2002: The potential for estimating cloud liquid water path over sea ice from airborne passive microwave measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 107, AAC 2.1-2.13..
Brunke, M.A., C.W. Fairall, X. Zeng, L. Eymard, J. Curry, 2002: Which bulk aerodynamic algorithms are least problematic in computing ocean surface turbulent fluxes? J. Clim., 16, 619-635.
Khvorostyanov, V.I. and J.A. Curry, 2002: Terminal Velocities of Droplets and Crystals: Power Laws with Continuous Parameters Over the Size Spectrum. J. Atmos. Sci., 59. 1872-1884.
Pinto, J.O., A. Alam., J.A. Maslanik, and J.A. Curry, 2003: Characteristics and atmospheric footprint of springtime leads at SHEBA. J. Geophys. Res., 108, art no 8051.
Randall, D., J.A. Curry, et al., 2003: Confronting Models with Data: The GEWEX Cloud System Study. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 84, 455-469.
Khvorostyanov, V.I., J.A. Curry, I. Gultepe, 2003: Simulations and observations of springtime cloud over the Cape Bathurst polynya. J. Geophys. Res., 108, art. no. 4296.
Liu, G. and J.A. Curry, 2003: Observation and Interpretation of Microwave “Hot Spots” Over the Arctic Ocean During Winter. J. Appl. Met., 42, 51-64.
Liu, G., H. Shao, J.A. Coakley, J.A. Curry, et al., 2003: Retrieval of Cloud Droplet Size from Visible and Microwave Radiometric Measurements during INDOEX: Implication to Aerosols1 Indirect Radiative Effect. J. Geophys. Res., 108 (D1): art. no. 4006.
Morison, H., M. Shupe, J.A. Curry, 2003: Evaluation of a bulk microphysical scheme using SHEBA data. J. Geophys. Res., 108, art no. 4225.
Khvorostyanov, V.I. and J.A. Curry, 2004: Toward the theory of heterogeneous ice nucleation. Part I: Critical radius, energy and nucleation rate. J. Atmos. Sci., 61, 2676-2691.
Curry, J.A. and 22 others, 2004: SEAFLUX. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 85, 409-419.
Khvorostyanov, V.I. and J.A. Curry, 2004: On the Thermodynamic Theory of Freezing and Melting of Water and its Solutions: J. Phys. Chem. A, 108, 11073-11085.
Curry, J.A., J.M. Maslanik, G.J. Holland, and J.O. Pinto, 2004: Applications of Aerosondes in the Arctic. Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 85, 1855-1861.
Liu, J.P., J.A. Curry, and D.G. Martinson, 2004: Interpretation of recent Antarctic sea ice variability. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, Art. No. L02205.
Agudelo, P.A. and J.A. Curry, 2004: Analysis of spatial distribution in tropospheric temperature trends. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, Art. No. L222207.
Inoue, J. and J.A. Curry, 2004: Application of Aerosondes to high-resolution observations of sea surface temperature over Barrow Canyon. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, Art. No. L14312.
Liu, J.P., J.A. Curry and Y.Y. Hu, 2004: Recent Arctic sea ice variability: connections to the Arctic Oscillation and the ENSO. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L09211.
Lynch, A.H., J.A. Curry, R.D. Brunner, J.A. Maslanik, 2004: Towards an integrated assessment of the impacts of extreme wind events on Barrow, Alaska. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 85, 209-221.
Khvorostyanov, V.I. and J.A. Curry, 2005: The theory of ice nucleation by heterogeneous freezing of deliquescent mixed CCN. Part II: Parcel model simulation. J. Atmos. Sci., 62, 261-284.
Lui, J. , J.A. Curry, W.B. Rossow, J.R. Key, X. Wang, 2005: Comparison of surface radiative flux data sets over the Arctic Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 110, Art No. C02015.
Inoue, J., B. Kosovic and J.A. Curry, 2005: Evolution of a storm-driven boundary layer in the Arctic. Bound. Layer Meteorol., 117 (2): 213-230. (pdf full-text)
Mirocha, J.D., B. Kosovic, and J.A. Curry, 2005: Vertical heat transfer in the lower atmosphere over the Arctic Ocean during clear sky periods. Bound. Layer Meteorol., 117 (1): 37-71.
Morrison, H., J.A. Curry, V.I. Khvorostyanov, 2005: A new double-moment microphysics parameterization for application in cloud and climate models. Part 1: Description. J. Atmos. Sci., 62 (6): 1665-1677.
Morrison, H. J.A. Curry, M. Shupe, P. Zuidema, 2005: A new double-moment microphysics parameterization for application in cloud and climate models. Part II: Single-column modeling of arctic clouds. J. Atmos. Sci., 62 (6): 1678-1693.
Morrison, H., M. Shupe, J.O. Pinto, J.A. Curry, 2005: Possible roles of ice nucleation mode and ice nuclei depletion in the extended lifetime of arctic mixed phase clouds. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32 (18): Art. No. L18801.
Inoue, J., J. Liu and J.A. Curry, 2005: Intercomparison of arctic regional climate models: Modeling clouds and radiation for SHEBA in May 1998. J. Climate, 19, 4167-4178.
Webster, P.J., G.J. Holland, J.A. Curry, H.-R. Chang, 2005: Changes in tropical cyclone number, duration and intensity in a warming environment. Science, 309 (5742): 1844-1846.
Khvorostyanov, V.I., J.A Curry, 2005: Fall velocities of hydrometeors in the atmosphere: Refinements to a continuous analytical power law. J. Atmos. Sci., 62 (12):4343-4357.
Khvorostyanov, V.I., H. Morrison, J.A Curry, P. Lawson, D. Baumgardner, 2006: High supersaturation and modes of ice nucleation in thin tropopause cirrus: Simulation of the 13 July 2002 CRYSTAL case. J. Geophys. Res., 111 (D2): Art No. D0220.
Rinke, A., K. Dethloff, J. Cassano, J.A. Curry, P. Du, E. Girard, J.E. Haugen, D. Jacob, C.G. Jones, M. Koltzow, R. Laprise, A.H. Lynch, S. Pfeifer, M.C. Serreze, M.J. Shaw, M. Tjernstrom, K. Wyser, M. Zagar, 2006: Evaluation of an Ensemble of Arctic Regional Climate Models: Spatiotemporal Fields during the SHEBA Year. Climate Dyn., 27 (4): 433-435.
Khvorostyanov. V.I., J.A. Curry, 2006: Aerosol size spectra and CCN activity spectra: Reconciling the lognormal, algebraic, and power laws. J. Geophys. Res., 111 (D12): Art No.D12202
Hoyos, C.D., P.A. Agudelo, P.J. Webster, J.A. Curry, 2006: Deconvolution of the factors contributing to the increase in global hurricane intensity. Science, 312 (5770): 94-97.
Webster, P.J., J.A. Curry, J. Liu, G.J. Holland, 2006: Response to comment on “Changes in tropical cyclone number, duration, and intensity in a warming environment”. Science, 311 (5768):doi:10.1126/science.1121564.
Liu, J.P. and J.A. Curry, 2006: Variability of the tropical and subtropical ocean surface latent heat flux during 1989-2000. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33(5): Art. No. L05706.
Rinke, A., K. Dethloff, J.J. Cassano, J.H. Christensen, J.A. Curry, P. Du, E. Girard, J.E. Haugen, D. Jacob, C.G. Jones, M. Koltzow, R. Laprise, A.H. Lynch, S. Pfeifer, M.C. Serreze, M.J. Shaw, M. Tjernstrom, K. Wyser, M. Zagar, 2006: Evaluation of an ensemble of Arctic regional climate models: spatiotemporal fields during the SHEBA year. Climate Dyn., 26 (5): 459-472.
Agudelo, P.A., J.A. Curry, C.D. Hoyos, P.J. Webster, 2006: Transition between suppressed and active phases of intraseasonal oscillations in the Indo-Pacific warm pool. J. Climate, 19, 5515-5530.
Khvorostyanov, V.I. and J.A. Curry, 2006: Aerosol size spectra and CCN activity spectra: Reconciling the lognormal, algebraic, and power laws . J. Geophys. Res., 111 (D12): Art. No. D12202.
Inoue, J., J.P. Liu, J.O. Pinto and J.A. Curry, 2006: Intercomparison of Arctic Regional Climate Models: Modeling clouds and radiation for SHEBA in May 1998. J. Climate, 19 (17): 4167-4178.
Curry, J.A., P.J. Webster and G.J. Holland, 2006: Mixing politics and science in testing the hypothesis that greenhouse warming is causing a global increase in hurricane intensity. Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 87 (8): 1025.
Khvorostyanov, Vitaly I., Curry, Judith A., 2007: Refinements to the K�hler’s theory of aerosol equilibrium radii, size spectra, and droplet activation: Effects of humidity and insoluble fraction. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 112, No. D5, D05206. (08 March 2007).
Liu, J.P., J.A. Curry, Y.J. Dai, et al., 2007: Causes of the northern high-latitude land surface winter climate change. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34 (14): Art. No. L14702.
Wyser, K., C.G. Jones, P. Du, E. Girard, U. Willen, J. Cassano, J.H. Christensen, J.A. Curry, K. Dethloff, J.E. Haugen, D. Jacob, M. Koltzow, R. Laprise, A. Lynch, S. Pfeifer, A. Rinke, M. Serreze, M.J. Shaw, M. Tjernstrom, M. Zagar, 2008: An evaluation of Arctic cloud and radiation processes during the SHEBA year: simulation results from eight Arctic regional climate models. Clim. Dyn., 30 (2-3): 203-223.
Inoue, J., J.A. Curry, J.A. Maslanik, 2008: Application of Aerosondes to melt-pond observations over Arctic Sea ice. J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., 25 (2): 327-334.
Morrison, H., J.O. Pinto, J.A. Curry, and G.M. McFarquhar, 2008: Sensitivity of modeled arctic mixed-phase stratocumulus to cloud condensation and ice nuclei over regionally varying surface conditions. J. Geophys. Res., 113, D5, D05203.
Current Research Grants
Towards the Understanding and Parameterization of High Latitude Cloud and Radiation Processes. DOE ARM, 12/01/02-11/30/08, $720,000 (PI)
Applications of Aerosondes to long-term measurements of the atmosphere and sea ice surface in the Beaufort/Chukchi sector of the Arctic Ocean, NSF, 9/1/99-8/31/06, $3,997,402. (PI)
Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison Project: Evaluation and Interpretation of Cloud and Radiation Fields Using Data Products from FIRE.ACE. NASA, 12/03-12/07, $525,000. (PI)
UAV Systems Analysis for Earth Observations: Education and Outreach. NASA, 3/05-3/08, $350,000 (PI)
Global analysis of ocean surface fluxes of heat and freshwater: satellite products, NWP analyses, and CMIP simulations. NASA, 10/1/05-9/30/10, $1.4M. (PI)
Parameterization of cloud particle activation and diffusional growth. NASA, $450,000, 11/1/05-10/31/08 (PI)
Courses Taught
Hurricanes (Georgia Tech, grad/undergrad)
Thermodynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans (Georgia Tech, graduate)
Thermodynamics of the Earth System (Georgia Tech, undergraduate)
Preparing Future Faculty (University of Colorado; graduate)
Thermodynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans (University of Colorado; graduate)
Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Ocean (University of Colorado; graduate)
Aircraft Probing of the Lower Atmosphere (University of Colorado; graduate)
Future Faculty Training (University of Colorado; graduate)
Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer (University of Colorado; undergraduate)
Engineering Senior Design Lab (University of Colorado; undergraduate)
Survey of Meteorology (Purdue University; undergraduate)
Atmospheric Thermodynamics (Purdue University, Penn State University; undergraduate)
Atmospheric Physics (Purdue University, Penn State University; graduate) Cloud and Precipitation Physics (Purdue University; graduate)
Supervision of Students
M.S. Graduates
Lin Tian (Purdue), 1988
Rong-Shyang Sheu (Purdue), 1990
Frederick Meyer (Purdue), 1990
Yuen-Chen Tan (Penn State), 1991
Lyle Wilson (Penn State), 1992
Michael LeSeney (Penn State), 1992
James Pinto (Penn State), 1993
Mark Weadon (Penn State), 1993
Marika Holland (CU), 1994
Aaron Brasket (CU), 1994
Todd Arbetter (CU), 1994
Tim Benner (CU), 1996
Mark Tschudi (CU), 1996
Janet Intrieri (CU), 1996
Jeff Mirocha (CU), 2000
Hugh Morison (CU), 2000
Anne Hickey (CU), 2002
Jason Vogel (CU), 2002
Yannick Meillier (CU), 2002
James McCreight (CU), 2003
Kelly Smolinski (GIT), 2004
Paula Agudelo (GIT), 2004
Ph.D. Graduates
Rong-Shyang Sheu, 1995: Impact of tropical clouds on atmosphere and ocean as determined from satellite
Carol Ann Clayson, 1995. Impact of a westerly wind burst on the equatorial Pacific Ocean
Geoffrey Considine 1996. Statistical/dynamical model of stratus cloud droplet spectra.
Branko Kosovic, 1996. Subgrid-scale modelling for LES of atmospheric boundary layers.
James Pinto, 1997. Observations and modelling of Arctic stratus clouds
Marika Holland, 1997: Ice-ocean interactions in the arctic
Todd Arbetter, 1998: A new thermnodynamic/dynamic sea ice model
Afshan Alam, 2000: Surface turbulent fluxes from arctic leads
Timothy Benner, 2000: Impacts of cloud inhomogeneity on radiative transfer
Mark Tschudi, 2000: Airborne remote sensing of sea ice surface features
Julie Haggerty, 2001: Airborne microwave remote sensing of clouds over sea ice
Janet Intrieri, 2002: Lidar observations of arctic clouds
Hugh Morison, 2003: Microphysics of arctic clouds
Beau Bierhaus, 2003: Ice on Europa
Amanda Cox, 2004: Calibration of microwave radiometers
Jon Braun, 2004: 3D retrieval of water vapor using GPS.
Yannick Meilleir, 2004: Balloon observations of tropospheric waves
Jeffrey Mirocha, 2005: Arctic stable boundary layer
Current Graduate Students
Paula Agudela, Ph.D. student
Erica Alston, Ph.D. student
Todd Barron, M.S. student
Jennifer Duncan, M.S. student
Angela Fritz, M.S. student
Alisa Holley, Ph.D. student
Mark Jelinek, Ph.D. student
Wayne Morrisette, M.S. student
Shen Ning, Ph.D. student
Supervision of Postdoctoral Scholars and Research Associates (since 1995)
Guosheng Liu (1990-1999)
Jeffrey Tilley (1992-1995)
Junhong Wang (1996-1998)
Branko Kosovic (1997-1998, 2000- )
James Pinto (1997-)
Randolph Reeder (1997-)
Eric Girard (1998- 2000)
Todd Arbetter (1999-2000)
Afshan Alam (2000-2001)
Cinda Gillilan (2001- )
Jun Inoue (2002-)
Jiping Liu (2003-)
Jo Keith is an excellent host, and he has my high regard, as, in fact in some ways, so do you.
You both allow all comers to your comments section..
Unlike the Guardian, which will allow Bob Ward to pronounce, on ‘The Hockey STick Illusion.
Yet, the Guardian will not even allow Andrew Montford to reply, in the commments section (or myself) at CiF
I would appear to be totally blocked from commenting at all on their blog.. (CiF – Guardian)
Keith Kloor (collide a scape) is actually pretty much a pro AGW person, as far as I can tell, if he gets alienated by your sort of comments, it won’t help anyone, as polarisation of the debate, just leeds to ‘stalemate’
He allowed me to post this at C a S:
An article which Bob Ward (Grantham Climate change institute ) attacks, Andrew Montford’s ‘The Hockey Stick Illusion’ (aka – Bishop Hill).
Judith Curry recommended that Gavin read this book, to more understand sceptics. Why did the Guardian give Bob Ward this froum anyway?
I merely tried to say in the Guardian comments section:
Let Andrew respond, (he is blocked as well) and put a link to his website, response..
Yet the Guardian, monolithic pillar of the CAGW alarmism, will not allow any of my comments.. (or others, yet….)
I expect that of various blogs, but serious MSM newspapers usually have more intelectual honesty..
I like Fred Pearce (Guardian) after meeting him at the Guardian’s climategate debabte, he came across well (and hos book – The Climate files). I wonder if he is aware (as a respected environmental journalist) of their ‘dishonest’ moderation.
Hello great web log, I discovered your website when I was doing investigation on how to develop my site. I was simply inquiring what spam software package you utilize for comments because I get a good deal on my blog.