Climate Change Media

Media Gets Obama Bypass

It seems like Team Obama will be bypassing the mainstream Media in their Climate Change communications :-

“…A document accidentally left on a European hotel computer and passed to the Guardian reveals the US government’s increasingly controversial strategy in the global UN climate talks…Top of the list of objectives is to: “Reinforce the perception that the US is constructively engaged in UN negotiations in an effort to produce a global regime to combat climate change.” It also talks of “managing expectations” of the outcome of the Cancun meeting and bypassing traditional media outlets…”

There you have it. I’m not surprised, given the appalling behaviour of some of the Gentlepersons of the Press in recent months…oh, hang on, it doesn’t quite kill off the Media channel of communication :-

“…Media outreach : (*) Continue to conduct interviews with print, TV and radio outlets driving the climate change story. (*) Increase use of off-the-record conversations. (*) Strengthen presence in international media markets during trips abroad. Focus efforts on radio and television markets. (*) Take greater advantage of new media opportunities such as podcasts to advance US position in the field bypassing traditional media outlets. (*) Consider a series of policy speeches/public forums during trips abroad to make our case directly to the developing world…”

This revolution will be televised – Obama will “go through the motions” and speak to the Press and TV as usual, but not rely on the “Fourth Estate” to do the real talking.

Stenographers of the moguls, consider yourselves snookered. You, you people at The Times, The Sunday Times, The Sunday Telegraph, The Daily Telegraph, Express, Mail, The Guardian and The Observer, and a host of other European, American, Canadian and Australian sheets, by getting sucked into the Climategate narrative, you have painted yourself into a very sticky corner, in fact, you appear to have sidelined your entire profession.

Hacks and hackettes, journalists and broadcasters, the Obama-leak implication is – you can no longer be trusted to do your job. It’s time to shape up, follow a study course on Climate Change and start cultivating telephone-based relationships with reputable Climate Change Scientists.

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