Visualizing the East Anglia Climate Research Unit Leaked Email Network from Michael J Bommarito II on Vimeo.
I found this vimeo video on a webpage describing a Climate Change sceptic’s attempts to get data from NASA using Freedom of Information requests :-
It shows how e-mail has helped create a network of factuality, researchers working together to document Climate Change in all its awfulness.
Although the Climate Change deniers/sceptics will think this animation proves how deeply compromised all the scientists are, I consider it art that shows how the truth about Climate Change is emerging, bringing a sufficient body of scientists together to create the wave of knowledge to tip the world into action.
The Freedom of Information harrassment at NASA is the same technique that was used against the CRU, the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, with the suspected intention of making life difficult for the scientists.
The Climate Change deniers (with a smattering of genuine sceptics) appear to think that delaying Climate Change science is a worthwhile cause. They would prefer to derail it altogether, judging by the “leaking” of CRU’s e-mails and the faulty analysis and emotive accusations that went with it.
Several organisations have seen that is is necessary to restore public order and trust in the science, and have started investigations : at CRU itself, at Penn State and at the United Nations :-