Big Picture Burning Money Carbon Commodities Climate Change

Carbon Hunters

“Where there’s muck, there’s brass”, as some people in England say. Waste and pollution can be big moneymakers for some, as local and national government bodies strive to ensure a safe, clean environment for their citizens.

Dealing with Carbon pollution is, however, in a different league of Big Dirt than the municipal waste stream, litter picks and recycling efforts. It’s even in a much larger landscape than Energy supply infrastructure and global fuel distribution systems.

Carbon emissions are in everything we do, practically, from texting to flying; from cooking to holidaying; from home comfort to laundry.

We can have school poster competitions that influence dog walkers to clean up after their pooches and hounds, but it’s not going to be so easy to cut the Carbon from our entire civilisation.

Money talks. And fines and taxes speak more loudly than mere warnings. It seems obvious, at first glance, that an international market in Carbon credits would help to drive down emissions all across the globe.

But will it ? And will it manage a sizeable reduction in time, the time by which the scientists say we need to see major change ?

A new TV documentary airing in Canada poses the question. “Carbon Hunters” may not come to European channels, but if you want to know more, you can contact Kevin Smith at CarbonTradeWatch, an organisation that does what it says on the can :-
“Contact Us” —> Kevin Smith.

One reply on “Carbon Hunters”

Carbon Hunters will also be airing internationally on BBC Worldwide. Not sure when, though.

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